REFERENCE FORM Hi there! Philippine Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (PAFCOE) is one of the global AFCOEs of Amazing Facts International Ministry. PAFCOE is dedicated to training Seventh-day Adventists to become effective soul-winners. You have been selected as a reference by one of our training applicants. Please provide us with your honest evaluation of the applicant. This reference will assist us in determining whether the applicant qualifies for PAFCOE Training. Rest assured that the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. If necessary, we may contact you by phone or email for additional information or clarification. Before proceeding, please review this form. If you feel unable to provide the required information, please do not continue. Otherwise, please proceed.Applicant's First Name *First Name of the PAFCOE Training ApplicantApplicant's Last Name *Last Name of the PAFCOE Training ApplicantApplicant's Email Address *Please contact the training applicant and ask for his or her active email address. Make sure to input the email address correctly.Relationship *What is your relationship with the PAFCOE Training Applicant?Positive Characteristics *List some positive characteristics that you can immediately recall about the applicant.Needs Improvement *What aspects of the applicant may require improvement?Church Conduct *What can you say about the applicant's conduct and involvement in the church?Church Conduct *What can you say about the applicant's conduct and involvement in the church?Off-shoot Affiliation *YesNoMaybeIs the applicant affiliated with or sympathetic to the Branch Davidians, the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement, the Local Conference, or any other groups or denominations that disagree with or are opposed to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its beliefs? PAFCOE will not accept anyone who is attacking the church and its Bible-based beliefs.Off-shoot Affiliation DetailsTells us more about the applicant's involvement with off-shoot organizations.Mental Condition *The PAFCOE Training can be Mentally and Emotionally intensive. What can you say about the applicant's mental condition and preparedness?Sociability *The PAFCOE training involves close interaction with people from various cultural backgrounds. What can you say about the applicant's ability to make friends and interact with others?Personal Assessment Rating Mark the bullet that best describes the applicant for each criterion.Spirituality *ImmatureShakyStagnatingGrowingStableStrongThe applicant's personal connection with God.Intellect *SlowUnmotivatedSelf-satisfiedCreativeLearningBrilliantJudgement *RushImpulsiveHeadstrongSoundCarefulTeachableService Attitude *IndifferentSelf-centeredNeeds DirectingCompassionateUnselfishTakes InitiativeIndustriousness *LazyIncompleteNeeds Constant SupervisionDiligentThoroughGoes the Extra MileRelationship to the Church *CriticalDivisiveDistantDeeply CommittedLoyalSupportiveHealthful Lifestyle *UninformedCarelessSeems SicklyInformedCarefulSeems HealthySociability *IndifferentLonerShyCooperativeOutgoingFriendlyShould PAFCOE accept the applicant?Recommendation *I recommend WITHOUT reservationI recommend WITH SOME reservationI DO NOT recommend under the PRESENT circumstancesI DO NOT recommend under ANY circumstancesThank you so much for your time! In case we need to contact you, please provide your contact information below:Your First Name *Your Last Name *Mobile Number *Please provide your WhatsApp number if you don't have a Philippine Number.Your Email Address *Submit Form Return to Enrollment Page